All about Turkey...
Welcome to my blog page!!!
I created this blog (site as you please) for those who are interested in learning more about Turkey. Nowadays it has become very fashionable to “hype”. And as a rule, those who engage in “hype” post various kinds of fakes on the Internet. In most cases, the information provided by eminent bloggers does not correspond to reality due to the narrow-mindedness of these bloggers, or they are simply hype and they do not care whether it is true or not, the main thing is to “catch” the number of views. Unfortunately, making money from lies and untruths is now commonplace and the majority of the population of our earth does not even condemn them for this. But now it’s not about them.
Here I tried to take on a noble mission and tell the truth about Turkey. The truth about Turkey may not correspond to your perception of the world, but I present it as it is. The only issue that I do not want to cover is the politics of Turkey. The information that I have presented here will be of interest to those who are planning to move to Turkey or to those who want to live in Turkey for some time. Perhaps this will be interesting to those who want to compare Turkey with other countries, especially if they are located in it. Most of the material described has been verified through personal experience. Unfortunately or fortunately, we do not go through everything from personal experience, so not all areas of life in Turkey are covered here, despite such a loud name.. The information is based on the legislation of the Turkish Republic, which means that everything that is written here is legal. However, it is necessary to take into account that the material was collected and written over several years, and Turkey is a country that likes to constantly make changes to its laws and regulations. Where significant changes have taken place and which become known to us, we try to correct and update. Therefore, if you have questions on specific topics, please write in the comments. It would also be great if you asked questions in the comments on topics that are not covered, but relevant to you (in your opinion).
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