Buying real estate - where to start, where to move, how to choose the best option and minimize risks, what kind of property you need
A real estate transaction is a complex process in which many factors must be taken into account. and does not particularly delve into the processes, because he understands what he is doing, at what stage the danger arises, and there are many advisers (relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors) who have recently undergone such a procedure or who have recently undergone registration. And even in such conditions, the population of your country manages to get into various incomprehensible situations or get cheated.
Turkey is one of the countries in the world with open borders. The presence of favorable weather conditions, the influx of a large number of tourists and comfortable living conditions, attracts not only good people, but also all sorts of scammers who are drawn here from different parts of the world, including your compatriots.
Lack of knowledge of Turkish law and / or the Turkish language greatly complicates the transaction process and sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. Fraudsters, swindlers and just those who want to cash in on transactions are present in any kind of activity where there is money. As beautiful as Turkey is, it is no exception.
Therefore, as in any civilized country, real estate transactions are best done through licensed realtors, real estate offices or lawyers. Of course, you can make a deal on your own, but then you make such a deal at your own peril and risk.
As in any activity, there are a large number of service providers on the real estate market. And as a rule, among them there are those with a good reputation and those with a bad one. Choosing a good realtor is also a kind of work, to which must be approached responsibly. After all, if the realtor is responsible, then you will not have problems and "headaches", and the real estate transaction will go so smoothly that the words "more frightened" should come out of your mouth when you move into an apartment :).
In order to have more positive and joyful people around, we created this site, maintain social networks and try to protect foreigners from reckless steps on the fertile Turkish land off the coast Mediterranean Sea.
All the information that we share on the pages of this site has been passed by us personally and all advice is based on the personal experience of the author.
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