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6. Residence permit for victims of human trafficking

Victims of human trafficking are issued residence permits in accordance with paragraphs 48 and 49 of Law No. 6458 on Aliens and International Protection. In addition, paragraphs 45 and 46 of the Regulations on the Application of the Law "On Aliens and International Protection" indicate a residence permit for victims of human trafficking.

Categories of foreign citizens A residence permit is issued to victims of human trafficking

Victims of Trafficking Residence Permits are issued to foreign nationals who are already victims or who are strongly suspected of being potential victims.

The period for which a residence permit can be issued to victims of human trafficking

A residence permit for victims of human trafficking is issued in the governorate and is valid for thirty days. If necessary, this residence permit can be extended for a period not exceeding six months for each extension. Meanwhile, the total extension period should not exceed three years.

 Reasons for refusal to issue, cancel or refuse to extend a residence permit for victims of human trafficking

- Identification of a repeated voluntary connection between a foreign person and the perpetrator of the crime,

- Failure to fulfill obligations required to fulfill

- Confirmation that a foreign citizen does not have victim status

In such cases, the residence permit for victims of human trafficking is cancelled. Meanwhile, a residence permit cannot be canceled if the fact of the forcible commission of the above provisions using coercion, intimidation, violence or threat is established.

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